Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Howdy from Houston

Allow me to introduce myself as the latest addition to the FirstMovers Blog. I’m Luke Gilman, a 1L Evening student at the University of Houston Law Center. I took the scenic route to law school, starting out studying Film and New Media at Emerson College in Boston, finally graduating with an English degree from the University of Houston, all the while working as a graphic designer and freelance writer. I’m continuing to work while taking night classes with the idea that this will ease the financial burden post law school and allow me to pursue a career in public interest law or as a public defender.

It seems a little premature to declare career goals as I try and wrap my head around the basics of torts and legal research but I’m fascinated by the economic and social aspects of law, particularly the ways in which public policies affect private choice. I also can’t seem shake my Perry Mason hang ups and was lucky enough to make the Mock Trial team my first year. I've become increasingly interested in areas of health law - particularly disparity and access issues, in the death penalty (because in Texas how can you not be?), and in internet law, particularly copyright and hope to help foster an engaging dialogue in these areas.

To the extent law schools tend to be isolated silos of culture and ‘ways things are done’ I’m excited about the opportunity FirstMovers affords to interact on a site within a diverse group of readers and writers. I’ve been blogging for several years on my own site and have recently started the blawgraphy to chronicle my law school experience. Finally, I would certainly be remiss in failing to thank Jim Chen for this wonderful opportunity and for creating FirstMovers as part of the Jurisdynamics Network.


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